Product Information
- Are there any artificial colors or flavors used in Supergreens?
- Do I need to continue taking my multivitamin?
- Does Centrum Supergreens contain sugar or any other sweeteners?
- How many calories are in a serving of Centrum Supergreens?
- Is Centrum Supergreens appropriate for children?
- Is Centrum Supergreens non-GMO?
- Is Centrum Supergreens safe to drink while pregnant or breastfeeding?
- Is Centrum Supergreens suitable for people with certain food allergies?
- Is Centrum Supergreens vegan?
- Is Centrum Supergreens vegetarian?
- Is it safe to take Centrum Supergreens with other Centrum multivitamin products?
- What are the benefits of taking Centrum Supergreens?
- What does Centrum Supergreens taste like?
- What ingredients are in Centrum Supergreens?
- What is the expiration date?
- What makes Centrum Supergreens different from other greens drink mixes?
- Who created Centrum Supergreens?
- You say there are 24 different benefits that Centrum Supergreens provides, what are they?